Monday, September 1, 2008


In this economy, we've got a lot of people scared. Last night's Bill Maher show had an economist on, and the economist was scared. I mean... scared. He had just lost a bundle. The privatization of Fannie May and Bernie Mac is an emergency step, a desperate attempt to stave off a complete and total depression.

One woman on the show wrote a book called the Shock Doctrine. In it, she hypothesizes that this kind of disaster is actually allowed to develop on purpose by the Republican Administration. A disaster is allowed to happen so that the government can allow provate companies, the friends of the McCaines, Bushes, and Cheneys of Washington, to profit immensely on the government's dime.

It makes sense to me.

However, I'm frightened. The Economist on the show says this bail out will move the debt from Wall Street where it was threatening the stock market to the government. The debt is the bomb waiting to go off, not where it resides. We aren't out of the danger zone of the next Great Depression.

That's why I'm writing this blog. In spite of the "we don't really know" mentality among economists, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know we are living in dangerous times. People with a middle amount of money they've managed to save up don't want to end up in the soup lines, and that's where we're heading.

This blog is designed to provide my readers with strategies to not only make it through this dangerous time, but to come out on top when the dust settles. Those who remeber the Little Orphan Annie comics know that Daddy Warbucks made his money in the depression. I wouldn't mind ending up that way after this is all said and done.

Some of th things I'll be talking about are investment strategies. Finding places to put your money that are safe, that will weather the storm. I work in real estate, and I've got a couple of nice leads available for someone looking to make a profit now, and then a huge profit when the economy recovers. I've got a strategy I'll be outlining that takes advantage of the lowered value of the dollar compared to Asian currencies.

The point of this blog is to help others help themselves to the fortunes that are available in these down times.